This arrangement ensures that only people that you have authorized can request us to investigate or modify your system. In addition, a Support contact provides a focal point for the transfer of knowledge and skills into your organization.
If an unauthorized person calls, we will ask them to contact your authorized Support contact instead. However, in an emergency, we will begin working on a problem with an unauthorized support contact on an exception basis, subject to later verification.
We recommend that you choose your authorized Support contacts carefully. They should be individuals who are knowledgeable about your Customer environment, and about Unify products.
Include the following information:
Every problem is assigned a Priority and Severity after the first contact with a Support Engineer. These are based on the problem's urgency and its impact on your business operations. The definitions for these are below:
Priority | Definition |
1 | Production down or development completely stopped and unable to continue. This is a catastrophic situation that requires the highest level of urgency from Unify. |
2 | Bug exists or functionality lost with no acceptable workaround. These problems usually require working with Unify to identify and resolve the problem. |
3 | Bug exists or functionality lost, but an acceptable workaround to the customer exists. |
4 | You have a question, or a request for a product enhancement. |
5 | Contact with the customer has not been made. |
Using these definitions, Unify Customer Support is able to prioritize your problem so that it can receive the highest level of attention possible.
To expedite the process of answering your questions and resolving your problems, it helps a great deal if the Support contact can gather as much information as possible before calling. When you do call, be prepared with the following information:
To contact Customer Support, you can use the following methods:
Send email to Include all information above in your email. Subsequent contacts should also go through | |
Fax | Send faxes with the above information to 916-928-6403. |
Phone | Call 916-928-6433 to log a support call. |
All calls to Customer Support on a problem, whether initial or subsequent, are logged into our Call Tracking System with the time and date that you called. This enables us to make sure that we respond to you in a timely manner.
Response times are determined by your level of Support. Initial calls are targeted for response in 4 hours for Level I Support, and in 2 hours for all other Support Levels. Subsequent and follow-up calls will be responded to in 4 hours for all levels of Support. If you have a production system down, please notify the receptionist, and a Support Engineer will be freed up to speak with you immediately.
Once a Support Engineer is assigned to a problem, they have full responsibility for making sure that it gets resolved to your satisfaction. That means that if they can't answer your question themselves, they have the responsibility to find someone who can, rather than handing the problem off to someone else to solve.
We do this so that we can emphasize the partnership between Unify Corporation and your organization. We want to have one person "own" your problem and be responsible for making sure that it gets solved.
On rare occasions, you may want to escalate a problem to management at Unify Corporation. We encourage you to do so, if you feel that a problem needs this level of attention. The first level of escalation would be to the local Support Manager. In North America, this is Chris Anderson. The next level of escalation would be to the Vice President of Customer Support and Product Delivery, Frank Verardi. Both can also be reached through the normal Customer Support phone number: 916-928-6433.
A problem is closed when you and your Support Engineer both agree
that an acceptable resolution has been reached. You may always
reopen a problem by calling in on it.